Rule #1: Protect Your Teeth

Although sports injuries aren’t the only cause of tooth and mouth injuries, they are the main source in active older children and adults and most often affect one or more of the front teeth and soft tissues, such as inner cheeks, tongue and gums. There are preventative measures that should be taken when engaging in any type of sport to help keep you protected. Many sports require helmets or facemasks as a safeguard, but a mouth guard is the best way to protect your teeth and mouth. Should an injury cause a tooth to be knocked out, it’s possible it can be repaired, and the sooner you can get to the dentist’s office, the better. Gently rinse any debris from the root and, if possible, place it in the socket. Hold it in place if necessary. It can also be placed in milk until you arrive at the dental office. If the tooth can’t be found or repaired, don’t fret! With today’s advanced dentistry, such as bridges or implants, your dentist can still save your smile!


Athletes Encouraged To Wear Mouthguards.

HealthDay (11/28, Dallas) reports that Dr. Ken Tilashalski, associate dean for academic affairs at the UAB School of Dentistry, encourages athletes playing contact sports to wear mouthguards “to protect the mouth and teeth.” Dr. Tilashalski said, “Wearing a mouthguard reduces the chances of tooth fractures, tooth dislocations and soft tissue cuts.” and the Oral Health Topics on provide additional information on mouthguards for patients and for dental professionals.

Call Us!

At C R Dental Group, we fabricate mouth and athletic guards that can be used for various sports. Dr. Reisman feels it is the first defense against serious injuries to the mouth and teeth that can occur while playing. Contact us if you want to add an extra level of protection to your sporting activities.