How To Treat A Toothache At Home Until You Can See A Dentist

If you’ve ever had a toothache you know it is no fun! Tooth pain can be excruciating and is typically brought on by a crack or fracture in a tooth or decay. Should you begin to have pain from a toothache that lasts more than a day or two, you should seek treatment from your dentist. Attempting to “wait and see” could cause a situation to worsen and result in more difficult or more costly problems. In the meantime, there are some things you can do at home to help alleviate the pain. At C R Dental Group our doctors offer some home remedies that might help until you can get yourself in the dental office for diagnosis and treatment.

Four Traditional Toothache Treatments

  1. Apply a cold compress to the outside of the cheek for a few minutes at a time. This constricts blood vessels, slowing the flow of blood and helps numb pain and reduce swelling.
  2. Over the counter medications can provide temporary relief. Dr. Reisman and Dr. Contrucci recommend taking two Advil and one Extra Strength Tylenol together every six to eight hours if swelling and fever are involved.
  3. A solution of equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water can be swished in the mouth for 30 seconds then spit out. Be careful not to swallow, and rinse the mouth with water afterward.
  4. Rinsing the mouth with warm (not hot) salt water can help loosen debris lodged between teeth and reduce swelling. Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and swish for 30 seconds before spitting out. This can be repeated as often as needed.

Four Holistic Toothache Treatments

  1. Garlic is known for its powerful antibacterial properties. A fresh clove of garlic can be crushed, mixed with a little salt and applied to the affected tooth.
  2. Thyme essential oil has antiseptic and antifungal assets. One drop can be added to a glass of water to make a mouthwash.
  3. Cloves contain a compound that acts as a natural anesthetic and can serve as an anti-inflammatory. A small cotton ball can be soaked with Clove oil and apply to the area or a dried whole clove can be gently chewed to release its oil and hold in place for 30 minutes against the trouble tooth.
  4. Peppermint has a numbing effect that can soothe a toothache. A teaspoon of dried leaves can be added to a cup of boiling water and steeped for 20 minutes. Once cooled, swish around the mouth and either spit out or swallow. A slightly warm, wet tea bag can also be held against the aching area for several minutes until the pain decreases.


The best way to avoid a toothache, or mouth pain, is to keep your teeth and gums as clean and healthy as possible. Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss every day. Visit your dentist and hygienist at least twice a year with regularly scheduled x-rays to aid in diagnosing decay and cracks. These home remedies will only provide temporary relief. It is important to seek professional treatment from your dentist quickly to assure the best long-term outcome to protect your smile and preserve your oral health.